by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 30, 2013 | NCGov |
With a smug country-club grin, Pat McCrory sniffed that his tax-shift plan is “too complex for journalists.” His business audience chuckled appreciatively. Even for McCrory, this statement showed a galling lack of self-awareness. The number of issues he’s...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 29, 2013 | Editor's Blog, NCGov |
Pat McCrory just can’t help himself. When he meets with reporters, he tells them what he thinks sounds good, regardless of whether it’s true or not. Gary Pearce pointed out this trait earlier in the summer. Now that people have noticed, you would think that he...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 27, 2013 | Editor's Blog, Education, NCGov
School started again and with it came the reams of paperwork that explains all the workings of an elementary school. There’s the emergency contact form. There’s the early release procedure in case of inclement weather or other problems. There are departure and arrival...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 22, 2013 | Budget, Editor's Blog, NCGOP, NCGov |
For weeks, Governor Pat McCrory has been blaming everybody for the GOP’s self-inflicted wounds. It’s the liberal media, even though many of the newspapers criticizing him endorsed him. It’s those mean old “outside groups” like ProgressNC, as if he doesn’t have the...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 21, 2013 | Editor's Blog, NCGov |
So, here’s where we stand in the latest McCrory administration debacle. Last week, Sarah Ovaska of N. C. Policy Watch discovered that two campaign hacks working at the Department of Health and Human Services, both two years out of college and with no government...
by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 20, 2013 | NCGov, Politics
Entry level Goldman Sachs salary: $63,942. Entry level North Carolina Republican hack salary: $87,500. Any questions? There are many, starting with why these young men thought it appropriate to accept so much money from a state they just moved to last year. Certainly...