by John Wynne | Sep 18, 2014 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, NC Politics, NCGov, Poll Analysis, Polling |
There was a lot of stuff in the PPP release from Tuesday which I thought deserved another post. Today we’re going to be looking at McCrory’s approval rating and his 2016 reelection race against Roy Cooper, the judicial races of this year (hint: lots of...
by Alexander H. Jones | Aug 21, 2014 | NCGov
Did I call Pat McCrory irrelevant? My mistake. Whether deliberate or not, the governor’s latest hijinks have proven this fellow can muck just about anything up. From a purely political asset, he has evolved into a purely political liability. In the GOP’s drive to...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 15, 2014 | Editor's Blog, Ethics, NCGov |
There goes Pat McCrory, showing off his thin skin and fighting with the media again. When is he going to learn that the best way to kill a story is to down play it, not escalate it? Now, he’s dragging it out for another day and making me write about it again. ...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 14, 2014 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NCGov |
Remember Kevin Geddings? No? Well, Kevin Geddings was the former political consultant who went to prison in 2006 for failing to disclose earnings on an ethics form. When Geddings was appointed by former Speaker Jim Black to the newly created lottery commission, he...
by Thomas Mills | Aug 7, 2014 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NCGov |
Well, Art Pope has left the governor’s office. With him, goes Pat McCrory’s most seasoned political advisor. While it’s really no surprise that he’s gone, it has to be a blow to the politically struggling McCrory. When Pope was appointed, howls came from the left. The...
by Daniel Gilligan | Jul 31, 2014 | NC Politics, NCGov |
Daniel Gilligan is a lifelong resident of Raleigh and proud graduate of N. C. State. Governor McCrory has been taking his case on the state budget stalemate to the folks that are, as he says “outside the beltline,” of Raleigh the last couple weeks. But there is one...