No, you’re not Nazis

On Saturday, D.G. Martin offered an apology to anyone who might have been offended by a column he wrote last week. It was the right thing for D.G. to do because of who he is, not what he said. D.G. is a strong Democrat and opinionated, but he’s also the quintessential...
Some of the people all of the time

Fooling themselves, again

Watching the GOP legislature in North Carolina, I can’t tell if they are believing their own spin or if they think they’re fooling people. Over and over, they make arguments for legislation that just aren’t true. On abortion, voter ID and budget matters, they offer...


Well, Pat McCrory lied again. This time it’s the tax bill. McCrory said that he would insist any tax reform be revenue-neutral and this one cuts revenue extensively over the next few years. McCrory and company are calling it “tax reform” which really makes him a liar...