Another power grab

Another power grab

Rep. Mike Hager, the House Majority Leader, is the latest big government conservative to try to strip power from local governments and give it to the legislature. Hager introduced a bill that would take away local appointments to the Isothermal Community College Board...
Is Meck Next?

Is Meck Next?

Recent actions by the GOP legislature to redraw the lines of various governing bodies have some Democratic officials in Mecklenburg nervous. The list of local boards and commissions the General Assembly has seen fit to remap continues to grow: first the Guilford...
Showing they can govern

Showing they can govern

Speaker Tim Moore is off to an impressive start. In less than two months, he’s passed bipartisan legislation and struck a tone remarkably different than his predecessor. He may prove to be the balance that keeps the Senate’s most extreme impulses in check while...
Spring Break!

Spring Break!

The House is going on Spring Break! That’s right. Speaker Tim Moore announced Monday night that the House will be in recess for the week of April 6-9. The legislators may have missed a couple of weeks of productivity due to lousy weather but that’s no excuse to...