Like 2006

Like 2006

Back in 2006, the economy was chugging along at a modest rate. Unemployment was about 4.5% and economic growth was around 3%. Americans said health care and its rising costs were their greatest domestic concern. The war in Iraq had no end in sight despite George Bush...
The state of house races

The state of house races

Our maps at PoliticsNC have been updated. (Thanks, Amanda.) It’s time to take a look at the lay of the land in legislative races as we approach the end of August and the beginning of the real campaign season in September. We’ll start with the House. Republicans...
Breaching the GOP firewall

Governing like a cartel

Yesterday was a bad day for the authoritarians in the General Assembly. First, the court came out against their law that would retro-actively change elections laws, leaving two Republicans on the ballot for Supreme Court. Then, all five formers governors, two...