by Aaron Sarver | Oct 12, 2016 | 2016 Elections, NC Politics, NCGOP, Voting Rights |
Now that North Carolina’s monster Voter ID law has been struck down by the federal courts, we’re almost back to the status quo of voting rights in North Carolina, with one important difference – the elimination of straight-ticket voting. All provisions of the law that...
by Alexander H. Jones | Oct 11, 2016 | 2016 Elections, NCGOP, Politics, Republicans
They did it to themselves again. Having gravely imperiled their chance to hold our governorship, Republicans have stumbled into a presidential disaster. A catastrophic, self-inflicted political wound, the Trump Tapes are as Rep. Darren Jackson pointed out “HB2 all...
by Thomas Mills | Oct 7, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Editor's Blog |
The country has been in a cycle of wave elections since 2006. The only exception was 2012. However, while a GOP wave hit the rest of the nation in 2014, it missed North Carolina. Turnout in the state was normal for an off-year election and while Kay Hagan narrowly...
by James Kotecki | Oct 5, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Features, HB2, Issues, LGBT Rights, NC House Races, NC Politics, NCGA, North Carolina, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian
Jane Campbell is a retired Navy captain and an unaffiliated candidate for NC House. She’s also openly gay. After learning her state representative was an architect of HB2 and running unopposed for reelection, she decided to do something about it. UPDATE 10/5/16...
by James Kotecki | Sep 28, 2016 | 2016 Elections, Campaigns, Democrats, Features, NC Politics, North Carolina, PODCAST, Politics, The North Carolinian
24 years after her first campaign, Patsy Keever chairs North Carolina’s Democratic Party for what she implies is her last election in an official role. Keever says it’s time for a new generation of leaders to take over. Before leaving, all she has to do is help her...
by Thomas Mills | Sep 26, 2016 | 2016 Elections, NC Politics |
North Carolina has gotten used to being in the political spotlight. Since 2008, we’ve been one of the most closely watched states in the country. And I’m not talking about the negative publicity brought to us by the Governor and General Assembly. I’m talking the...