Fox News in print

Fox News in print

Earlier this month, the Wilmington Star-News ran an editorial praising the tax cuts that the General Assembly enacted. The editorial cited an opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal by a writer for the conservative Heritage Foundation. Having read the Star-News for...
The Grahams in decline

The Grahams in decline

Some insights are timeless. Karl Marx spoke for the ages saying “history repeats itself first as tragedy, second as farce.” So it is with Billy Graham. The Reverend’s clownish son may have reinforced impressions of his father as a Falwell clone. In fact, Billy...
The race next door

The race next door

While North Carolina doesn’t have a governor’s race this year, our neighbor to the south does. And for the first time in a while, it looks like Democrats might have a shot. State Senator Vincent Sheheen is looking for a rematch against South Carolina Governor Nikki...