by Kirk Kovach | Dec 6, 2018 | The Kovach Corner
The text from the conversation is below, condensed somewhat and reworded where necessary. Given the length of the transcript, please forgive any errors. Kirk Kovach: I’m Kirk Kovach, I’m here with PoliticsNC. We’re in Salisbury, NC with Professor Michael Bitzer, and...
by Kirk Kovach | Nov 30, 2018 | The Kovach Corner
In the midst of the kerfuffle in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District this week, many of our state’s various politicos were quick to chime in with analysis and opinions on the matter. From the onset, we all knew very little. It is quite odd for the North...
by Kirk Kovach | Nov 14, 2018 | The Kovach Corner
I recently wrote a piece for Politics NC that was mostly just to bring awareness to the fact that the Legislature will reconvene for a special session on Tuesday, November 27th. As many NC politicos have noted, that will be the last time the current iteration of the...
by Kirk Kovach | Nov 12, 2018 | The Kovach Corner
Last week went well for Democrats, both in North Carolina and nationwide. In the Tar Heel State, Democrats achieved their short-term goal of breaking the supermajorities, both in the NC House and NC Senate. Perhaps of less immediate significance, the statewide...
by Kirk Kovach | Oct 6, 2018 | Features, The Kovach Corner |
After a tumultuous few weeks, the United States Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to his lifetime appointment as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Liberal groups have lamented his nomination from the beginning, and although vigorous in their protestations, his...
by Kirk Kovach | Sep 24, 2018 | Features, The Kovach Corner
We are in the midst of perhaps the most contentious Supreme Court nomination in memory. Other nominations have been controversial, such as Robert Bork in the eighties and Clarence Thomas in the nineties. Those confirmation hearings, like Kavanaugh’s, were...