Callous and irresponsible

Callous and irresponsible

I’m not going to say that Republicans hate kids or want them to die, but I will say that they are pandering to their anti-vax, anti-mask base instead of prioritizing the health of our children. Republican governors are not just banning mask mandates, they are...
Hispanics did it

Hispanics did it

When I was a kid, I had an imaginary friend named Mo-mo. Every time I did something wrong, like drawing on furniture, I told my parents that Mo-mo did it. That Mo-mo was a bad actor and I was just a victim of his poor choices. It seems the conservative White people...
Getting back to normal

Getting back to normal

Right now, we feel like we’re on the cusp of getting back to normal after more than a year of pandemic restraint. First, though, we need to get to herd immunity and the biggest obstacle to reaching that goal is vaccine skepticism. Too many people believe the vaccine...