Republicans in retreat

Republicans in retreat

Republicans have essentially abandoned running on any significant issues. They are resulting to desperate scare tactics, distractions, and voter suppression. Down-ballot Republicans are fleeing Donald Trump, trying desperately to put distance between themselves and a...
The North Carolina we expect

The North Carolina we expect

A poll out this morning reflects the reality of North Carolina politics. The ABC/Washington Post poll shows a presidential race neck-and-neck and a U.S. Senate race in a similar position. According the polls, Biden leads Trump by one, 49-48 among likely voters and...
The COVID party

The COVID party

An Elon University poll released this week offers insight into why Roy Cooper has held such a commanding lead over Dan Forest. It’s not just because Forest is an extremist out of touch with regular North Carolinians. People approve of the way Cooper’s handled the...
Rats abandoning a sinking ship

Rats abandoning a sinking ship

Thom Tillis is throwing Donald Trump under the bus. He said this weekend, “The best check on a Biden presidency is for Republicans to have a majority in the Senate.” In other words, he’s acknowledging that Trump is likely going to lose. Elect Tillis to protect us from...