by William Shaw | Mar 29, 2021 | Politics
You have to hand it to the Republican Party.Although the Republicans have only won the popular vote for the Presidency once in the last 28years…And although they are currently the minority in the House, the Senate, and have lost thePresidency…And although, they have...
by William Shaw | Mar 5, 2021 | Politics
Bonfires and fireworks light the late autumn nights throughout England every November 5th as citizens celebrate Guy Fawkes Day. In many towns and villages, effigies of Guy Fawkes and the Pope are set ablaze in the bonfires, connecting the celebration to its origins...
by William Shaw | Oct 29, 2020 | Politics |
After the RAF blasted his Luftwaffe from Britain’s skies in 1940, Hitler decided toinvade Russia. In June 1941, Hitler led Germany into one of the most catastrophicdefeats in military history. The Germans initially routed a surprised Soviet army, slaughtering hundreds...
by William Shaw | Sep 22, 2020 | Politics
Google “Corruption in NC Politics” and these headlines from national and statemedia appear: “GOP Changes Weaken Elections and Ethics Oversight;”“Corruption is Undermining NC Government;” “Corruption, Gerrymandering, andVoter Suppression: How NC’s GOP Made a Great Big...
by William Shaw | Sep 17, 2020 | Politics |
When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of “Citizens United” on January 21, 2010, Justice Stephensdissented that the majority’s ruling “threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across thisNation.” He added that “A democracy cannot function...