Freedom Conservatives

Freedom Conservatives

First, a nonpartisan public service announcement: Yield does not mean stop. It does not mean slow down. It means, in traffic circles, to allow other cars who are in the circle to go before you enter if you are entering at the same time that car would be passing. You...
Proud boys, polls, and other thoughts

Proud boys, polls, and other thoughts

As usual, there’s a lot going on this week. We’re finally supposed to get a budget from the legislature, but I’m not holding my breath. They need to get that out of the way so they gerrymander themselves supermajorities again and make our Congressional Districts an...
More manufactured outrage

More manufactured outrage

I was not going to respond to the most recent manufactured outrage over a song. I already did that earlier this summer. However, after watching the singer’s response to the controversy, I want to weigh in.  Two weeks ago, Oliver Anthony was an obscure...