Even More Tragedy for Ukraine and Russia

Even More Tragedy for Ukraine and Russia

Did you know that at least 1,600 Ukrainian refugees have settled in North Carolina since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine.[1] The last three days of September Congress passed a 45 day stop gap appropriation with no money for Ukraine.  Votes are...
A look at Republican midterm results

A look at Republican midterm results

How did the GOP do in the November 2022 elections? Here is the big picture at the local, state, and the national level.  Local level. Before the election Republicans controlled 61 County commissions. After the elections the GOP controls 67 County...
Even More Tragedy for Ukraine and Russia

Two Tragedies for Ukraine and Russia

THE TRAGEDY OF THIS WAR For the last year the world has been flooded with news of the impending and now the  actual war of Russia against Ukraine. While numbers are incomplete, I estimate there have been at least 100,000 soldiers and civilians killed and...