by Michael Cooper | Jul 27, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Features, Politics |
It was hard not to get emotional watching women older than their right to vote nominating Hillary Clinton on the floor of the Democratic National Convention. It was almost as hard not to tear up watching Bernie’s brother cast his vote in the city of brotherly...
by Michael Cooper | Jul 27, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Features, Politics |
Bill Clinton was good Tuesday night, but not in the ways we expected, and unlike 2012, when we knew in the moment, we won’t know whether he truly helped his wife until Election Night. The Big Dog was soft spoken, patient, almost weary, taking over 40 minutes to...
by Michael Cooper | Jul 26, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Features, Politics |
Today I heard the story of a Bernie Sanders delegate from North Carolina, who when asked, did not know the name of North Carolina’s Democratic nominee for governor, and who when pressed, admitted she didn’t plan to vote for him or any Democrats in...
by Michael Cooper | Jul 26, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Features, Politics
I’ll never forget Bill Clinton’s speech to the Democratic National Convention. The one four years ago, in Charlotte. It’s the best speech I’ve ever seen in person. And hands down the best speech ever given by a former president. (Though...
by Michael Cooper | Jul 26, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Features, Politics |
In hindsight we should have seen it coming. At the RNC, the wife of a candidate running against the president managed to plagiarize the First Lady of the United States. And there was no apology. The Obamas were all in anyway for Hillary Clinton because of his legacy,...