by Matt Phillippi | Oct 22, 2014 | 2014 Elections, Features, US Senate |
Thom Tillis is in trouble and his backers know it. Despite massive amounts of money thrown at his candidacy from outside support groups he still hasn’t been able to break Kay Hagan’s consistent three point lead. With the possibility of a Republican takeover of the...
by Matt Phillippi | May 28, 2014 | Features, NC Politics, NCGOP |
Last week I wrote a piece on the fight between Rep Robert Brawley and Speaker Tillis, and I spent the majority of that article focusing on the politics and the fight itself. In doing this I wasn’t able to give the issue that sparked the fight in the first place...
by Matt Phillippi | May 23, 2014 | Features, NC Politics, NCGA
It’s no secret that many in the current Republican majority in the legislature have little tolerance for differing opinions. From arresting demonstrators to talking down to, and sometimes outright insulting constituents, they have shown a paternalistic “We know...
by Matt Phillippi | May 14, 2014 | Education, Features, NC Politics, NCGOP |
Unlike a lot of current members of the NC General Assembly I have a great deal of respect for teachers. My mother has been a teacher, librarian, and technology specialist in the WCPSS for over 20 years. The mother of my daughter is a teacher, as are her mother and...
by Matt Phillippi | Apr 24, 2014 | Environment, Features, NC Politics, NCGov
Governor Pat McCrory’s ties to Duke Energy are well known here in North Carolina. McCrory worked for Duke for nearly 30 years before becoming governor, but a recent study by the National Institute on Money in State Politics show how deep the utility company’s...