Anti-Folwell Legislation Passes the House

by | Apr 3, 2019 | The Feed

Continuing our theme of tracking this legislation, today in the North Carolina House both Republicans and Democrats joined together to pass HB184, the bill that creates a Study Committee for the State Healthcare Plan, or, more directly, takes away the power from State Treasurer Dale Folwell to negotiate the prices for the SHP with the state hospitals.

This has been an interesting piece of law to follow, and a good bit of money has been spent on both sides to try and influence the public perception. Ultimately, at least for the time being, I don’t think that this story is resonating much with the average voter. Folwell’s proposed adjustment would not begin until next year, and he has an election to win now without that big achievement. The fascinating story, for now, is the political infighting amongst Republicans.

If you’re into the idea of following the money (which, in recent political scandals for the NCGOP is a good place to start), NC Civitas has a bit of a series going that details who got money from whom. Spoiler alert: NC Hospital lobbying outfits have donated a hefty sum to lawmakers across the state.

HB184 passed 75-36. Here’s the breakdown:

To read more about this from me: Folwell, House GOP face off in PoliticsNC and Folwell, hospitals face off over health plan changes in the Salisbury Post.


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