All in a day at the DNC

by | Jul 26, 2016 | Democrats, DNC 2016, Editor's Blog, Politics | 5 comments

The first day of the Democratic National Convention started out as a mess. Wikileaks emails enraged already angry Sanders supporters. Debbie Wasserman-Schulz was being forced out and making her exit difficult. Pro-Sanders protesters were chanting “Lock her up” at a rally larger than any of those in Cleveland. And a CNN poll showed Trump with a post-convention bump.

By midday, Twitter was ready to call the DNC a disaster. On the floor of the convention, Sanders supporters booed any mention of Hillary Clinton. By the evening, those Democrats who live by the minute-by-minute new cycle were in a near panic.

Then, Sarah Silverman and Al Franken took the stage. Franken was a Hillary supporter, Silverman was with Bernie. They called for unity using mild humor to gain the attention of the crowd. When Bernie supporters continued to chant, Silverman said what most Democrats were thinking, “Can I just say to you Bernie-or-bust people, you are being ridiculous.”

After that, the night seemed to turn. Michele Obama gave a speech that made the case for Clinton in very personal terms. Elizabeth Warren blasted Trump and urged unity behind Clinton. Finally, Bernie ended the night making clear that his movement’s job was to get behind Clinton and defeat Trump.

By the end of the night, Democrats were feeling good. The prime time show was strong and a stark contrast to the RNC. While the GOP convention was about a single showman with a supporting cast of B-grade entertainers like Scott Baio, the DNC offered line up leaders who outlined a vision for America.

In addition, the wikileak narrative seemed to shift during the primetime slot. Twitter shifted from the insults to Bernie to the Russian connection to the leak. GOP operative John Weaver tweeted, “My GOP/conservative friends: An attack by a foreign govt. on an American political party is an attack against all of us. All of us.” Trump’s budding friendship with Putin suddenly looks like a liability again.

After a rough 48 hours or so, Democrats seemed to regain control of their convention. The leaders are clearly united behind Clinton. The Bernie protesters seemed more subdued. Everyone seems to be on message. And the wikileaks scandal may turn out to do more damage to Trump than Clinton.

Democrats turned a rough day into a good night. We’ll see if they can maintain the momentum. In a news cycle that changes by the tweet, though, anything is possible.


  1. Sour Grapes

    I find it hilarious that the Democrats are trying to shift the focus of debate from the unscrupulous and potentially illegal actions of the DNC members to the Russians hacked out servers. First, there is no proof that the Russians are responsible which was echoed in an interview with Assange last night. Second, even if the Russians are responsible, they didn’t write the emails.

  2. Lee Mortimer

    I have contributed to two congressional campaigns this year. One is to Tom’s in North Carolina’s 8th congressional district. And the other I made today to Tim Canova — Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s primary challenger in Florida’s 23rd congressional district.

  3. Ebrun

    Who the heck is John Weaver? Sounds like he’s the classic example of a RINO. Doubt he has many “conservative friends.”

    • Apply Liberally

      Weaver is a well-known and well-respected political strategist, who has worked on the McCain and Kasich campaigns.

  4. Progressive Wing

    I agree fully with your view on the first day of the DNC.

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