All about the win

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Editor's Blog | 5 comments

Yesterday, the Supreme Court rejected the Independent State Legislature theory when it decided against the North Carolina legislature in the case of Moore v. Harper. The Moore named here is State House Speaker Tim Moore. He and the Republicans were arguing that the courts had no say in regulating election law. Had the they won, the legislature would have had no checks on their power in North Carolina when it comes to redistricting since the governor cannot veto maps. 

Voting rights advocates and election law advocates cheered. Both conservatives and liberals opposed the theory. The case was supported mainly by the extreme right and the authoritarian wing of the GOP. 

In response to the ruling, a number of Republicans pointed out that the decision would have little impact on North Carolina redistricting since the current State Supreme Court had already overturned that previous decision that Moore contested. Their reaction shows a Machiavellian  approach to governing. What they are saying is, “It doesn’t matter. We already won.” And that about sums up today’s GOP. As much as they tout the Constitution, they care far more about short-term victories than any philosophical coherence.

In North Carolina, they are passing a “Parent’s Bill of Rights” to give parents the right to protest educational materials. They are also passing a bill to restrict parents from seeking medical care for their transgender children. Republicans don’t really trust parents. They just want to score points in the culture wars. Just like they don’t really care about voting rights. They just want a favorable electorate, no matter how they get it. 

We saw similar behavior in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy initially blamed Donald Trump for the attack on the Capitol. When they realized their position could be a political liability, they refused to hold him accountable. The Constitution didn’t matter. Winning the next election did.

The GOP has largely lost its principles. They now value winning above all else. Their response to the Harper decision is telling. They supported the lawsuit in pursuit of a short-term victory on redistricting with little thought or care about long term implications. They didn’t really care how it turned out as long they get to draw the districts they want this year. They’re passing a bill they call a “Parent’s Bill of Rights” while passing legislation that prevents parents from seeking medical care for their children. They demand more law and order while refusing to hold the people responsible for January 6 accountable. 

For Republicans, it’s all about the “W.”


  1. cocodog

    HB 755, titled “Parents’ Bill of rights,” would codify a new procedure for requesting information from the school, bar instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in K-3 curriculum and require teachers to notify a student’s parents if the student uses a different name or pronoun. So, teachers, in addition to instructing their students in skills that will allow them to attend college, trade school or get a good job, must act as undercover agents. If the student happens to make a mistake in gender, adopt a nick name that may imply a gender other than one assigned at birth, the teacher must snitch the kid off. Republicans are attempting to reduce the teaching profession to the level of part prison guard and part undercover agent for a republican twisted value system. In the old days, when I went to school, my teacher taught me reading, writing and math and how to behave in a classroom setting. The last being the most difficult in my case. Matters of sex were left to my parents. The next thing coming down the pike will be legislation which requires children to snitch off their parents if they speak unkindly of republican politicians. When will it dawn on these republicans that electing idiots will not win elections in the long haul.

  2. TC

    This article, “A Morally Rudderless Party;” “Gridlocking Elections;” and “Creating the Hillary Excuse.” All speak to the same underlying theme. The win certainly, but also control. Taking control; directly or by slight of hand (tongue); surreptitiously by changing the parameters of the Republic and the principles by which we all have a say in how we are governed. Republicans are drunk on power. Like an addict, they will do and say anything in order to get their fix and keep the power surge coming. Increasing it any way they can to ensure they remain top dog on the manure pile.

    What I don’t understand is, why. Why is this allowed to happen? Why are people sedentary watching the very foundations of the nation erode for outcomes that don’t benefit the people or the nation. Why would a majority of those of the Republican persuasion support, rally, and send money to an accused felon, who has been caught on tape admitting he did exactly what he has been charged with doing? Why would you want to associate yourself and be known by that moniker? Why?

    We are no longer governed. We are reigned over by those who deem themselves superior and seek to instill their brand of social more as the law of the land; as it is their God given right to do. As I write this, the legislature just passed SB 808. The bill banning medical assistance for gender affirming treatment…with the parents’ permission. Now, do I really care one way or the other? Nope. What I do care about though is something that we all should find vile. Government sticking its’ nose into the private lives and decisions of parents concerning their children.

    Republicans state they love less government. That includes less personal freedom when the subject at hand is something they find themselves morally and dogmatically opposed to. They don’t want government protecting the environment, people, being that bastion of steadfastness in the face of disaster. They want government to protect their interests and portfolios so that they alone may prosper. They don’t want you to have social security, despite a lifetime of paying into it. They want you to invest in the stock market, to risk your fiscal lives on the hope, the chance, you might increase your net worth. Roll the dice and assume the risk. Lotto economic theory at its worst.

    But, how do we stop it? Thomas writes articles every few days. He posts commentary in other outlets every day. And he is one of many, locally and nationally. Despite the number of words and the people who read them, the nightmare perpetuates itself, growing and morphing into something more hideous and diabolical with every iteration.

    It is well past the time when enough of anything is enough.

  3. Rick Gunter

    The moronic Republican Party can downplay the court’s decision all they want. But this was a very big deal. I heard one Harvand law professor said it was the biggest case regarding the rule of law decided by the court in the republic’s history. To allow state legislatures to overrule courts in elections is appalling on its face. That is what these fools in my native state essentially were proposing. Good grief. That was a bridge too far even for our Republican-controlled Supreme Court and carried enormous consequences going forward. What a fool’s errand these Tar Heels were on. But I was so affair they might win in the court.
    The public needs to know how significant this decision is. Too many Americans are asleep as the Trump Cult takes away liberty one block at a time. I don’t know what is wrong with people and their so-called leaders. I just know too few Americans are resisting the insanity.

  4. Rollin Russell

    So, does the Congressional district map of 2022 determine districts for 2024, or do we go back to the map drawn by the legislature and supported by the NC Supreme Court under its new Republican majority?

  5. Bob

    GOP philosophy: The end justifies the means. That is the antithesis of how democracy is supposed to work.

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