About our ratings

by | Oct 10, 2018 | 2018 elections, Editor's Blog

The first of our legislative ratings, the state senate, came out this week. The Congressional ratings came out last month. The state house ratings will be out soon.

The ratings are primarily the work of Darren Janz, a very talented young researcher and political junkie whose wisdom belies his years. He got help from Kirk Kovach and Amanda Underwood. Together, they put out a very helpful tool for people of all political persuasions who watch North Carolina politics.

My input was purely oversight. I’m involved with several races in the state and didn’t want to influence the ratings. I approved them because I believe Darren, Kirk and Amanda made strong cases for their conclusions. Other people might have differing opinions about individual races but the conclusions of the PoliticsNC team are well-reasoned and researched.

I hope you enjoy the rankings. I’m very proud of the team we’ve assembled at PoliticsNC. If you haven’t subscribed, please do. If you’ve already subscribed, we always appreciate tips.

Thanks for reading.


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