A tough month for Tillis

by | Jun 29, 2020 | 2020 elections, Editor's Blog | 4 comments

Control of the U.S. Senate may hinge on North Carolina. The race between Senator Thom Tillis and Cal Cunningham is shaping up to be a barnburner. And right now, Cunningham is the one on fire. He’s leading Tillis by as much as nine points according to four polls released last week. Tillis, for his part, is trying once again to change his spots. 

Five Thirty Eight lists four polls that show Tillis trailing. Fox News has him down by two, NYT has him down by three, PPP has him down by four and a poll by a group called Redfield & Wilton Strategies has him down by nine. The Real Clear Politics average gives Cunningham a two point lead. Clearly, the incumbent Senator is struggling in this environment. 

Tillis has garnered the enmity of those on both the right and the left. He’s shown few political convictions during his time in office and seems to be chasing popular opinion. When it was fashionable to be a moderate reaching across the aisle, Tillis talked about working with Democrats to get things done. When it became more in vogue to bow to the president, Tillis raced to be biggest suck up. Now that Trump’s numbers are in the tank, he’s trying to put daylight between himself and the president. Nobody likes a candidate who stands for nothing. 

Tillis also had a rough June. He got caught plagiarizing a campaign memo from a losing race in Virginia. His spokesperson admitted that he had lifted large parts from a memo he had written for Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie. Gillespie lost badly to Ralph Northam. In other words, Tillis is following a failed strategy in his approach to winning North Carolina. 

A SuperPAC is blasting Tillis for thwarting Medicaid expansion in the state. When he was Speaker of the North Carolina House, he bragged about preventing people from getting healthcare under the program. Now that we’re in the midst of global pandemic that is also kicking people off of the their employer-based insurance, the decision looks like it could leave thousands of North Carolinians without health coverage. 

Finally, Tillis shot an ad in a restaurant being sued for racial discrimination. In another time, the incident might just be blip but in the current environment, using the location was a major screw up. Tillis campaign folks say they didn’t even know about the lawsuit. That says as much about the state of his campaign as the copied memo from a losing campaign. They will need to get a lot sharper to win in a race this competitive. 

Tillis may overhaul his campaign and find a new personae that fits him well in the fall, but right now, he and his campaign are struggling. As a candidate, he’s ill-defined because he’s always changing who he is. His campaign is making rookie mistakes in a top-tier race. The political headwinds are against him because his party is on the wrong side of the issues most important to the voters at this time. His best hope for victory is a shift in forces beyond his control. He needs the political environment to become more favorable to conservatives. In the meantime, he needs to figure out who he will be in the fall and why his team is failing him.  


  1. Lynn Hancock, Moore County Democratic Party

    North Carolinian Independents & Democrats need to vote in DROVES in November!
    They need to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot and turn every single Republican out of office – from the Senate to the local dog catcher!
    And…they need to be requesting absentee ballots NOW for November!!

  2. Jim Bartow

    Tillis is stuck. Stuck in a state that is purple and drifting blue a couple of % points each cycle. Stuck having to please the NC Trump supporters but there is not enough of them to win, but he can’t alienate them. Stuck with losing military voters while his opponent is a bronze metal winning Lt. Col. Meanwhile Cal is laying down self defining positive ad after ad and has been doing so since the primary. Usually I don’t like the DSCC getting involved with primaries, but the one advantage is they can take the time during the primary when people are watching to define their candidate positively before the opposition can destroy them. That is what happened in NC this cycle. Finally he is running on a Democratic slate that is balanced and is a good fit for NC up and down the ballot.

  3. Cocodog

    Poor old Tom, he is trying to run with the big dogs, but comes up short. So, he spins around lacking direction and political savvy. He no longer can say I am with Trump as Trump’s ship is sailing into the sunset, never to be heard from again. To bad, he could have had a lifetime gig in the senate, 170 thousand a year plus a class A health care program. So sad.

  4. Vicky Frye


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