Just in case you forgot, the Democrats are still looking for a Senate candidate to challenge Richard Burr. In the past month or so, a number of names have popped up: State Rep. Duane Hall, former State Rep. Deborah Ross, and Spring Lake Mayor Chris Rey. Now it looks like we can add a new name to the mix: State Senator Joel Ford.

Ford would be an interesting candidate. He’s African American, from Charlotte, and sees himself as more of a moderate. He’s also vice chair of the Main Street Democrats. In short, it would be hard to depict him as a hardcore liberal.

He’s also working to contrast himself with another potential candidate, Deborah Ross, who would fire up the progressive base but would almost certainly be the most liberal nominee in the state’s history. Ford’s strength would be in boosting black turnout, especially in Charlotte. Combined with an aggressive Democratic presidential campaign in North Carolina, a good year, and perhaps some missteps from Burr along the way, there’s a path to victory for Ford.

Ford’s definitely not a guarantee to run, though. As he notes in the Roll Call article, the DSCC called him, not the other way around. He’d have to give up his Senate seat to run so he’d probably have to be persuaded that he’d have a real chance at victory.

And Heath Shuler? It’s almost time to cross him off the list of potential candidates. He’s apparently not making any calls around the state or doing anything that makes him look like he’s seriously still considering the race. When reached for comment, a spokesman said that Shuler’s focus was Duke Energy, “a great company” – the third time he’s made a statement to that effect. (The governor extends his gratitude.)


  1. Vonna Viglione

    I STILL want Tom Ross…I like Deborah Ross but not for this race

  2. Radagast

    Y’know? Voting for a Demican or a Republicrat is like pissing into a fan. You’re going to get soaked with urine, no matter which fan you choose to piss in.
    They’re sorta like a used car salesman, who promises The Lemon will run like clockwork, but when you get on the road, the thing is a turd.
    And that;s what all these idiot politicians are: professional liars. They promise everything under the sun, but when they get to Washington (with the exorbitant salaries and lifetime benefits, perks, luxury vacays paid for by lobbyists, and the hookers [female and male], they soon forget about the people they are supposed to be working for.
    Who wouldn’t, in the cesspool called Washington?
    What’s the answer? I dunno. But there must be some way to hold these scum bag’s feet to the fire! Tarred & feathered, and run out of town (Washington) on a rail sounds good (for starters).

  3. Apply Liberally

    Is that a pattern I see emerging on the topic of who might oppose Burr? GOP’er Wynne suggesting/spotlighting possible Dem candidates that most likely couldn’t gain enough cumulative support from the left and center to beat Burr.

  4. Grace Galloway

    No No No on Joel Ford. He voted with Republicans FOR fracking in NC. We don’t need another blue dog thank you. He owns a land removal business – and guess what the fracking industry does? REMOVES LAND.

  5. Russell Scott Day

    I need to get a list to give my campaign manager to make some calls. I continue the Intendor Radio Show, and have Outdoor Cats instruments. It is my thesis that as much as Democrats can be charged with taking the Black vote for granted, Republicans take the redneck White working Class vote for granted. The only uniting factor between progressives and rednecks was and will be guitar music. I don’t yet have a date, but I was asked to MC some of the Carrboro Music Festival. My positions such as a simple divvy of worker taxes between the US and nation of origin, particularly if from Mexico addresses foreign workers situations and aim to see Federal and State Taxes used as they are properly intended for a superhighway from Morehead City to I 95 and I 40, along with Extreme Energy Capture plans are mentioned in the Intendor Radio Shows on Transcendian of youtube. We will see, for it is awhile yet before the filing fees must be paid next February. Federal end to the war on drugs is a main reason for any Federal seat. That is reactionary in recognition of the political prisoners imprisoned for pot. Revolutionary actions have to do with Energy Capture. I read Thomas Mills closely.

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