10 Predictions for ’15

by | Jan 2, 2015 | Carolina Strategic Analysis, Features, NC Politics, Predictions | 3 comments

The year 2014 was a mixed bag when it came to my predictions. So, at the risk of looking foolish once again, here are ten predictions for 2015 – some safe, some not:

1. Governor McCrory will use the phrase “steppin’ on toes” no less than 20 times.

2. The N&O will continue to push its newfound cause of nonpartisan redistricting. As in 2014, they’ll be out with a redistricting-focused editorial nearly every two weeks.

3. There will be conflict between the General Assembly and the governor. The legislature will win most of the battles, but McCrory will win politically by staking out centrist positions.

4. Medicaid expansion will be a big issue. Liberal editorialists will, for once, support McCrory’s position. They will assert that the legislature is essentially turning down free money, with no strings attached.

5. I disagree with Thomas – no viable alternative will appear to Cooper’s left. He will face up against a bunch of gadfly candidates, but there will be more than sufficient progressive passion on his side due to his moving to the left in the past two years.

6. I agree that Democrats will struggle to find someone to challenge Burr. Saying no – Hagan, Cunningham, Shuler, McIntyre, Foxx.

7. Both state parties will pick women to be their new chairs. Patsy Keever will be elected to chair the NCDP. North Carolina Republicans will choose former Rep. Carolyn Justice.

8. In the presidential race, NC will be getting an atypical amount of candidate visits due to the change in the primary calendar. Ben Carson, at least for a time, will enjoy frontrunner or runner-up status in state and national polls.

9. A bill to change the formula for sales tax redistribution will produce unlikely coalitions, divided more on urban/rural lines than by party. The fate of the bill will rest in the hands of Governor McCrory.

10. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest will continue to be the darling of NC conservatives for his views on social issues and his anti-Common Core stance. He’ll be a target for Democrats in 2016.


  1. wafranklin

    Setting up a coronation for Patsy Keever already? Did you get approval from Jim Hunt, Nina Szlosberg-Landis and Elaine Marshal for that assertion. These are some of the people working hard last two years to de-fund and defeat the NCDP, no matter what.

  2. Neal F. Rattican

    No matter one’s opinion of the N&O, it has advocated for nonpartisan redistricting for many, many years. Yes, even when Democrats were in firm control. Such is supported by the historical record. You could look it up.

    • TY Thompson

      Yes, they’ve advocated for nonpartisan redistricting going back all the way to 2010. 😉

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